

We understand that handling a large amount of information can be challenging. That's why we've implemented a straightforward pagination system using the concepts of "limit" and "offset."

Understanding pagination

Pagination is a method that divides a vast dataset into smaller, more manageable portions (the "pages"). Instead of receiving all the data at once, you can request a specific number of items ("limit") starting from a particular position ("offset"). This approach is particularly useful when dealing with extensive data, as it enhances usability and performance.

How to use pagination

To retrieve a specific page of data, you need to include two parameters in your API request:

  • limit: This parameter specifies the maximum number of items you want to receive on a single page.
  • offset: This parameter indicates the starting point within the result set.



First, when accessing a paginated endpoint the response will be something like this:

    "count": 24,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
        // Array of up to 24 product objects

By incrementing the offset value, you can retrieve subsequent chunks of data. For example, to get the next page of results, you would use the following request: